2 min read

New Feature: Inventory Tickets

v243 of Molecule was released this week! In it was an important new feature for our physical trading customers: Tickets – for delivery, shipping, and inventory.
Trains on a railroad transporting cargo

v243 of Molecule was released this week! In it was an important new feature for our physical trading customers: Tickets – for delivery, shipping, and inventory.

What do Tickets do?

With Tickets, Molecule users can:

  • Increment or decrement actual volumes when commodities schedule, ship, or arrive, and compare these to contracted volumes
  • Compare contracted renewable credits with physical credit deliveries
  • Manage, mark, and true up inventory buckets directly (as opposed to only via physical trades)

Why is this Important?

Molecule has been on a long journey to build the easiest-to-use & most technologically advanced ETRM/CTRM. We've supported physical and financial customers on our platform from Day 1 – but our physical customers have often advocated for more features.

Last December, we released our Inventory feature, which takes volumes from settled physical deals,  increments/decrements stored amounts, and calculates weighted average prices. We've enhanced it since then – adding functionality and polishing rough edges – and put it into regular production use.

Tickets is the next logical step in our physical logistics journey: direct access to deliveries and all the complexity around them. We have many enhancements planned for this feature – from custom fields, to a world-class ticket/deal-linking screen, to special options for renewables. We owe a big "thank you," to the customers who have helped us design this feature.

We're working hard on our logistics stack, and there's much more to come – so keep checking in with us!

What fields do we capture?

Tickets are typically linked to a Trade, so can inherit all the trade's attributes. In addition, Tickets can override a price or quantity. Custom fields for tickets are coming soon!

Screenshot of Molecule ETRM/CTRM system inventory ticket API call
POST API for Tickets

How do I get the Feature?

All Molecule customers on the Core package and up, now have access to Inventory Tickets.

To learn more or ask questions about this new feature, please reach out to info@molecule.io. Or, if you are an existing customer, please reach out to Molecule's customer success team.

New Feature: Custom Fields Galore

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